Q: How do I obtain my license to work in the state of Alabama?

A: The Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy (ASBOT) handles licensing issues, not ALOTA. Please visit their website at www.ot.alabama.gov for more information.

Q: What if I have questions about scope of practice for occupational therapy in the state of Alabama?

A: The Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy (ASBOT) has copies of the rules and regulation and the administrative code (i.e., the law) pertaining to scope of practice. Please visit their website at www.ot.alabama.gov for more information.

Q: What do I do if I have lost a continuing education certificate from an ALOTA conference?

A: Please check CE Broker first – In the past, ALOTA had uploaded CE records shortly after every ALOTA sponsored event, but starting in the fall of 2019, we are no longer able to provide this service.  If you need to replace a lost certificate, please contact our Vice President. There is a replacement fee.

Q: How do I get involved with ALOTA?

A: You can be involved in a number of ways, including being on a committee, being a board member, or volunteering for an event. Please email the current president for opportunities.  Contact information can be found here.

Q: What do I do if I lose my membership card?

A: We no longer issue membership cards.  Everything is now managed electronically.  Log into the My ALOTA portal to manage your information.  

Q: How can I get involved with advocacy for our profession at the policy level?

A: A good first step, and probably the easiest thing to do, would be to join ALOTA – your membership dues help support political advocacy at the state level. An even better thing to do would be to also make a contribution specifically for political activities.

Q: How can I make a contribution specifically for political activities?

A: You can make a contribution to the Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee (OTPAC) by emailing our Government Affairs Chairs.

Q: How do I post a job on the website?

A: Please email us for more information

Q: How do I post a continuing education course on the website?

A: Please email us for more information

Please remit all checks payable to ALOTA at:

Alabama Occupational Therapy Association
1116 20th Street South #315
Birmingham, AL 35205